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HPhos was present at the 1st Automation and Robotics Expo, from 12 until 14 April 2024 in Athens, representing our members and raising awareness of our activities and Photonics and related technologies to a focused and engaged audience. In addition, our team had the opportunity to present projects in which HPhos participates, such as the PhotonHub Europe one.


HPhos workshop on 13 Apr 2024

On April 13, HPhos organized a parallel ''Photonics 4 Manufacturing'' workshop on Photonics potential opportunities in industry which attracted a wide audience and acceptance. After the workshop, there was given a networking opportunity with end-users and start-ups active, indicatively, in electronics, robotics & automation and digital transformation.

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Joint call with Korea on heterogeneous integration and neuromorphic computing technologies

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Under the European Chips Act, there is a joint call between the Republic of Korea and the European Commission on heterogeneous integration and neuromorphic computing technologies for future semiconductor components and systems starting on 6 February 2024. The overall objective is to ensure security of supply for semiconductor devices.

The EU Chips Act which entered into force in September 2023 encourages European semiconductor actors to undertake international cooperation in order to ensure security of supply for semiconductor devices.

The Republic of Korea and the European Commission launched the Digital Partnership in June 2023 to strengthen the economic resilience and agreed on key outcomes to advance cooperation for an inclusive and resilient digital transformation. Both partners agreed to work on semiconductors, High Performance Computing (HPC) and Quantum technology, 5G and beyond, platform economy, artificial intelligence (AI) and cybersecurity.

Joint research on semiconductors implemented in low TRL collaborative project emerged as a concrete action in the follow-up exchanges between the European Commission and the Korean government.

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Photonics on 300 mm Wafers Workshop

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Photonics is here to stay. It is present in most of the objects we use every day, e.g, smartphones, computers or cars. This presence in our daily lives will only increase in the coming years, and components that are currently manufactured on 200 mm wafers will have to move to 300 mm wafers. This transition will be driven not only by the need to increase the volume and/or reduce the cost of the components required, but also by the need to improve their performance.
This transition from 200mm to 300mm wafers will require intensive development. These need to be identified as soon as possible in order to assess the type of support needed from the European Commission in order to secure European technological sovereignty through photonics.

In order to discuss current and future needs of 300 mm wafers, you are cordially invited to participate in the digital workshop which will take placeon Tuesday, 23 April, 2.00-3.30 pm.
This workshop is based on the initiative of WG 4 and directed at all WG members.

Interested stakeholders or those who follow this topic are warmly welcomed to engage in discussions and exchange knowledge.

Download workshop agenda 


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Το HPhos διοργανώνει ημερίδα με θέμα «Photonics 4 Manufacturing» στο πλαίσιο της 1ης Έκθεσης Αυτοματισμού & Ρομποτικής 12-14 Απριλίου 2024 στο Athens Metropolitan Expo Center. 
Η ημερίδα θα πραγματοποιηθεί στις 13 Απριλίου κατά τη διάρκεια της οποίας θα δοθεί μια επισκόπηση των ευκαιριών για καινοτομία με τη φωτονική στη Μεταποίηση. 
Επιπλέον, το HPhos είναι εκθέτης στην 1η Έκθεση Αυτοματισμού & Ρομποτικής (Αίθουσα 1, Περίπτερο E10)
πρόσκλησηπρόγραμμα ημερίδας