
Photonics 4 Manufacturing

Date: 2019-09-03 10:00

Digitalisation of industrial manufacturing is one of the most important topics and overarching
objectives for contemporary Industry looking at the future. This is a global trend led by the constant
need of the industry for continuous optimization in concept generation, production, and product
transaction, against International competition. In that respect, Industry 4.0 employs a synergetic
combination of major innovations in digital technology, which are all in maturity stage right now,
making feasible their integration and finally affecting horizontally various industrial manufacturing
sectors. Such technologies are among others related with robotics, sophisticated sensors, Internet of
Things (IoT), rapid prototyping (3D printing), big data analytics in real time, cloud computing, etc.,
altogether aiming at the integration of the physical and virtual worlds in a cross-functional global value
chain, shared by many companies from many countries. The Industry has now shifted to a new era
and a novel way for organizing global operations has been introduced.
Photonics is one of the six Key Enabling Technologies (KETs), which has a very strong digital dimension
and is expected by European Commission to shape tomorrow’s future and drive innovation in a wide
range of industries. In that respect, industrial manufacturing is considered as a typical field of
application for photonics, justifying its cross sectoral appeal while also its power to leverage multiple
technological fields and final markets. In our case, high-speed optical data links, versatility of laser
materials processing, feedback and intelligent decision-making made possible by machine vision
systems and optical sensors, and additive manufacturing are among others significant contributions
made by Photonics. Moreover, new systems combining mechanics with AI and Photonics continue to
open new opportunities for developing future’s innovations in the field.
The event is organised by HPhos (Hellenic Photonics Cluster) and the aim is to bring closer the
photonics community and various industrial sectors for addressing main challenges and problems that
face today towards the digitalization of their manufacturing processes. The event is structured under
the following 3 sessions:

1. The European landscape of photonics for modern industry
2. Photonics technologies for Industrial Manufacturing
3. Wrap up and key messages

Dr. Elias Hontzopoulos, HPhos, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , Tel +30 694 8825 445

More event information at:



All Dates

  • 2019-09-03 10:00

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