The Hellenic Photonics cluster (HPhos), is about to organise a public event in the framework of the annual cluster members’ assembly, under the subject: “Photonics in Greece: business challenges and opportunities”.
The event will be held on Tuesday, 27th March 2018, at NEW HOTEL, Athens, at 17:30. The aim of this event is for the Hphos cluster to present themselves and a roadmap towards fulfilment of their strategic goals, to an audience directly or potentially interested in the prospects of photonics-related activities in Greece. Moreover, the event aims in bringing the photonics community closer to various industrial sectors, and set up a discussion on main challenges, industry trends, industry needs on the way to industry digitalisation, financing issues, public policy on related fields (SMEs, clusters, innovation, photonics etc.).
The Hellenic Photonics Cluster (HPhos) comprises a founding core of knowledge-intensive enterprises and research organizations, forming an ecosystem that encourages the transfer of knowledge and expertise. Thus, HPhos aims to create a hotbed for the development of new ideas and innovative products creation and become a critical support infrastructure to new entrepreneurship.
The initiative to form a cluster that will bring both enterprises and RTOs together, is a strategic one in itself. It aims to facilitate Greek entrepreneurship to keep track of the global industry and technology trends and catch up with global societal challenges. HPhos cluster is formed to actually respond to the overwhelming and pressing need for technological upgrade of industry, based on research-driven, technological innovation.
The timing of this event is interesting indeed.
Since the beginning of the 21st century, we have been experiencing a profound industry and global economy transformation – changes associated with technological innovation affecting all aspects of society and economy, and what’s more, in a frantic pace. This trend is commonly affecting the way goods are manufactured and services are offered.
The global economy is on the cusp of profound changes that are comparable in magnitude to the advent of the first industrial revolution, the development of assembly line production, or the invention of the micro-chip. We are describing the big picture of a transformed industry landscape. Is it a (technology-driven) revolution? Will it be a threat or an opportunity? Revolutions are fast, disruptive and destructive. And there is no going back. However challenges remain. The need for investment, changing business models, data issues, legal questions of liability and intellectual property, standards, and skills mismatches are among the challenges that must be met by Greek enterprises if benefits are to be gained from new manufacturing and industrial technologies.
The new era calls for more know-how and networked thinking. It calls for stimulating of collective learning so that new technologies and new knowledge can diffuse faster. Innovation engines should be fueled through promotion of interdisciplinary project coalitions and competence centres or initial project funding. The transfer of basic research findings into application development through real-world laboratories, living labs and is urgently needed!
HPhos asked a series of guest speakers to share with us their view on main challenges, Greek industry needs on the way to industry digitalisation, financing issues, as well as to present public policy on related fields (SMEs, clusters, innovation, etc.) and financing mechanisms for innovation, strategies and tips.
The program of the event includes:
A cocktail reception will follow that will provide the opportunity for more – informal – talk, thoughts exchange and networking.
You can find the event's program here
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